Ilya Kabakov
L'uomo che volò nello spazio dal suo appartamento
immagine tratta da Achille Bonito Oliva- SUPERARTE
Giancarlo Politi Editore - 1988
pag 76
Nell’opera dell’artista Ilya Kabakov intitolata: “l’uomo che volò nello spazio dal suo appartamento” c’è tutta la carica disgregante insita nell’ironia tipicamente russa di fronte all’enfasi monumentale della nomenclatura.
L’uomo che non è più nell’appartamento, e di cui ci rimangono le misere cose che lo rendevano meno vuoto (non lo arredavano poiché non sono da considerarsi arredamento una brandina senza materasso, due sedie, una brocca, tre pareti tappezzate di immagini asfissianti e ossessive), è un provetto “Yuri Gagarin” formato popolare. Tanto più il primo uomo nello spazio costituiva la bandiera di uno stato proletario vincitore sul gigante capitalista nella corsa alla conquista del cosmo, tanto più questo, di cui possiamo ammirare l’estro inventivo nella realizzazione di una fionda capace di proiettarlo nell’universo, appare come un eroe della rivalsa delle più elevate aspirazioni di un popolo intero (anzi di tanti popoli rinchiusi tutti sotto la sigla URSS) su uno stato nato da una Rivoluzione, ma trasformatosi ben presto in una prigione di ampiezza intercontinentale.
Non è solo un uomo che è volato nello spazio, da quei brandelli di soffitto sono già volati tutti.
Il poster raffigurante la Piazza Rossa ricolma di gente in una immagine notturna ha il sapore di un lager in cui i fasci di luce dei fari, a mo’ di postazioni contraeree pattugliano il cielo a cercare il fuggitivo. Di lui si sono perse le tracce. Le scarpe vecchie rimaste sul pavimento testimoniano l’inutilità della concretezza dei regimi di fronte alla fantasia della libertà dei popoli: le mura non bastano ad imprigionare le aspirazioni, che invece volano libere più in alto.
Opera profetica, anticipa un’altra e ben più famosa demolizione: il muro di Berlino.
Nei brandelli che pendono da quel soffitto sembra si possano scorgere le macerie che di lì a poco mostrerà quella cortina di ferro, che il desiderio di libertà dei popoli dell’Est sbriciolerà come d’incanto nel novembre dell’89.
Non sappiamo che ne è stato dell’ardito sperimentatore di quella fionda. Se anche lui, come Icaro sia precipitato, sconfitto dalla forza di gravità o sia riuscito, come Dedalo a coronare con successo il suo sogno libero.
Sicuramente, come entrambi si è affrancato dalla sua prigione e questa certezza ci basta!
In the artist Ilya Kabakov entitled "the man who flew into space from his apartment," there is all the irony inherent disruptive loads typically Russian monument at the emphasis of the nomenclature.
The man who is no longer in the apartment, and we remain the miserable things that made it less empty (do not decorate because they are not considered to be furnishing a cot with no mattress, two chairs, a pitcher, three walls covered with pictures asphyxiating and obsessive), is an experienced "Yuri Gagarin" popular format. Especially since the first man in space was the flag of a proletarian state winner in the giant capitalist race to conquer the cosmos, the more this, that we can admire the inventive genius in the creation of a catapult capable of projecting the universe, appears as a hero for the vindication of the highest aspirations of an entire people (even many people locked up all under the acronym USSR) on a state born of a revolution, but soon turned into a prison of intercontinental scale.
It is not only a man who has flown in space, from those pieces of the ceiling have already flown all.
The poster depicting the Red Square filled with people into a night image has the feel of a concentration camp in which the beams of the headlights, by way 'of anti-aircraft emplacements patrol the skies looking for the fugitive. Him were untraceable. The old shoes remained on the floor of the concrete evidence of the futility of the schemes against the freedom of peoples to the imagination: the walls are not enough to imprison the aspirations, instead fly free higher.
Opera prophetic, anticipating another and far more famous demolition: the Berlin Wall.
In shreds hanging from the ceiling seems you can see the rubble that was soon show that the Iron Curtain, the desire for freedom of the peoples of Europe as if by magic crumble in November '89.
We do not know what became of that investigator Ardia sling. If he, like Icarus has fallen, defeated by the force of gravity or is able, like Daedalus, to crown with success his dream free.
Of course, as both of you is freed from his prison and the certainty enough for us!
The man who is no longer in the apartment, and we remain the miserable things that made it less empty (do not decorate because they are not considered to be furnishing a cot with no mattress, two chairs, a pitcher, three walls covered with pictures asphyxiating and obsessive), is an experienced "Yuri Gagarin" popular format. Especially since the first man in space was the flag of a proletarian state winner in the giant capitalist race to conquer the cosmos, the more this, that we can admire the inventive genius in the creation of a catapult capable of projecting the universe, appears as a hero for the vindication of the highest aspirations of an entire people (even many people locked up all under the acronym USSR) on a state born of a revolution, but soon turned into a prison of intercontinental scale.
It is not only a man who has flown in space, from those pieces of the ceiling have already flown all.
The poster depicting the Red Square filled with people into a night image has the feel of a concentration camp in which the beams of the headlights, by way 'of anti-aircraft emplacements patrol the skies looking for the fugitive. Him were untraceable. The old shoes remained on the floor of the concrete evidence of the futility of the schemes against the freedom of peoples to the imagination: the walls are not enough to imprison the aspirations, instead fly free higher.
Opera prophetic, anticipating another and far more famous demolition: the Berlin Wall.
In shreds hanging from the ceiling seems you can see the rubble that was soon show that the Iron Curtain, the desire for freedom of the peoples of Europe as if by magic crumble in November '89.
We do not know what became of that investigator Ardia sling. If he, like Icarus has fallen, defeated by the force of gravity or is able, like Daedalus, to crown with success his dream free.
Of course, as both of you is freed from his prison and the certainty enough for us!
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